Beowulf s father. Beowulf compensates the king and exhibits his loyalty by rewarding Hrothgar and his surge the promise of putting to death the evil Grendel. Beowulfs bang-up strength is also made clearly evident in the text. It is said that Beowulf was greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world (51). be depicted as the mightiest man alive blatantly gives the beholder the measure of Beowulfs great strength. It was absolutely unreal. Grendels signboard thoughts upon facing attack by Beowulf also indicate full how strong the Geat was. [Grendel] knew at once that nowhere on basis had he met a man whose hands were harder (57). Beowulf conquered Grendel and also fought the sea monsters mother in an underwater bar and remarkably, he managed to overcome said tasks with his hands unaccompanied(predicate). This unaccompanied helps in proving the extraordinary strength Beowulf held. With great strength comes great politesse and Beowulf surely was brave . When listening to frightening tales of the evil and wrongdoings of the infamous Grendel, Beowulf took no haste to slaying the monster. Hed heard how Grendel deepen nights with horror and quickly commanded a boat fitted out (51).

His take a shit request of a ship to face the monster dissever of illustrates his willingness and extreme courage. Also, when discussing his method of battle planned to use with Grendel he didnt mention a single thing more or less arms or weapons. He simply stated, My hands alone shall fight for me (55). His eagerness was evidence of his tremendous courage. Beowulf not except embo died traits most admired by Anglo-Saxons at ! the time, only when also held qualities that revealed a true epic hero. His incredible heroism is exhibited in several instances throughout the story. He proves himself to be a loyal, strong, and brave warrior. Beowulf proves himself to be an epic hero.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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